Sunday 11 December 2011

The prometheus myth and anthropomorphism

In Homers account of the creation story, the God Prometheus forms the first man out of mud and breathes life into him. In Hesiod’s version of the story in 700 BC there are a succession of ages, starting with the golden age that is like paradise. There is no given explanation for the end of this age, in comparison to the biblical account of the creation of man in Genesis there is given an explanation. This is due to the wrong doing of Adam and Eve. The Creation of woman came about due to a trick that Prometheus played on Zeus. Prometheus sacrificed a sheep to Zeus but filled the bell of the sheep with the meat of the sheep and put it in one pile and rolled the bones up in the fat and put it in another pile. Prometheus then asked Zeus to choose which he pile he wanted. Zeus realised the trick and punished mankind by taking fire, Prometheus steals the fire back and gives it back to humanity. A punishment for this Zeus gave mankind a woman called Pandora referred to her as a beautiful evil. This was punishment because she was something that man uncontrollable desired. This may be viewed as a misogynistic thing to do however by giving humanity the female race they are seen as sexually threatening to men which makes men weaker. A very important aspect of Ancient Greek Religion that has yet to be mentioned is the fact that their images are human. This sets them apart from virtually all other divinities in the ancient world like the Egyptian religion that depict their Gods as various fierce animals. This anthropomorphic form may have been because in order to speak about the unknown you have to use the known for example in the Hebrew bible it says that god came down and walking in the Garden of Eden. This is impossible to describe unless God has taken some sort of form.

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